Wednesday 12 July 2017

Trademe Porto Optionen

Satellite site Site navigation Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen BEDINGUNGEN UND BEDINGUNGEN Willkommen bei Trade Me, Neuseelands eigene Online-Handelsgemeinschaft. Diese Bedingungen sollen dazu beitragen, dass Trade Me ein sicherer Ort zum Handel ist. 1.1 Annahme der Geschäftsbedingungen: Die Bedingungen und Konditionen sind die Bedingungen, unter denen Trade Me Limited Ihnen Zugriff auf die Services und die Website bietet. Mit der Anmeldung als Mitglied von Trade Me akzeptiere ich diese Bedingungen. Wenn Sie diese Bedingungen nicht akzeptieren, müssen Sie die Dienste nicht nutzen. 1.2 Änderung der Geschäftsbedingungen: Da Trade Me in einem sich wandelnden kommerziellen, technologischen und regulatorischen Umfeld tätig ist, können wir diese Bedingungen von Zeit zu Zeit ändern. Wir werden alle Änderungen durch Website-Ankündigung mitteilen. Gelegentlich können wir dringende Änderungen vornehmen, aber in der Regel geben Sie mindestens zwei Wochen Zeit, um diese Änderungen zu überprüfen. Wir können auch Ihre Rückmeldung über die vorgeschlagenen Änderungen auf dem Message Board, oder, für signifikante Änderungen benachrichtigen Sie direkt per E-Mail. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, werden Änderungen sofort nach Erhalt der geänderten Bedingungen auf dieser Website wirksam. Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, dass Sie mit den neuesten Geschäftsbedingungen vertraut sind. Ihre fortgesetzte Nutzung der Services steht für Ihre Zustimmung, um durch die geänderten Bedingungen gebunden zu sein. Diese Bedingungen und Konditionen wurden zuletzt aktualisiert am 21. Februar 2017. 1.3 Terminologie: In diesen Geschäftsbedingungen haben die folgenden Ausdrücke die folgenden Bedeutungen: Auktionen beinhalten Listen mit einem Kaufpreis nur Einzelposten, Gegenstände bedeuten Waren oder Eigentum, die gekauft werden können oder Verkauft durch die Auktion oder klassifiziert Prozessmitglied bedeutet, dass ein eingetragenes Mitglied von Trade Me Member Service (s) bedeutet ein Handels-oder Business-Service, der von einem Trade Me Mitglied in der Services Kategorie Services beworben wurde, bedeutet eine oder mehrere der angebotenen Dienstleistungen Trade Me Limited oder Trade Mes hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaften, von Zeit zu Zeit, einschließlich Online-Auktionen, Kleinanzeigen, Message Boards, SMS-Warnungen und jede andere Dienstleistung, die Trade Me bieten kann Services Kategorie bedeutet die Kategorie auf der Trade Me-Homepage, auf der Mitglieder Dienste auflisten können Wir, wir und unsere sind ein Verweis auf Trade Me Limited Sie und Ihre sind ein Verweis auf Sie Website bedeutet jede Trade Me Website, durch die die Dienste angeboten werden, bedeutet eine Liste auf der Website, durch die Sie anbieten, verhandeln, kaufen, verkaufen oder Werben jedes mögliches Einzelteil, Service oder Job, ob durch Versteigerung oder klassifizierter Verkäufer schließt irgendeine Person ein, die eine Auflistung platziert. 2.1 Die Services: Trade Me bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Mitglieder vorzustellen, die Gegenstände kaufen und verkaufen oder Arbeitsplätze werben und Arbeitsplätze finden möchten. Handel Ich nehme keine Rolle bei der Veräußerung von Gegenständen, außer durch die Bereitstellung unserer Website als Veranstaltungsort für Mitglieder. Wenn ein Gebot von einem Verkäufer akzeptiert wird, wird ein Kaufvertrag zwischen dem Käufer und dem Verkäufer direkt gebildet. Wir handeln nicht als Agent für jede Partei und beteiligen sich nicht an einem Verkauf oder einer Transaktion zwischen Ihnen und anderen Mitgliedern, einschließlich wo Sie den Kreditkarten-Service verwenden. Wenn Sie den Kreditkarten-Service nutzen, geben wir einfach Zahlungen von einem Mitglied an ein anderes weiter. Infolgedessen, obwohl einige der Dienstleistungen als Auktion bezeichnet werden, ist Trade Me kein Auktionator (ob unter dem Auctioneers Act 2013 oder anders). Trade Me bietet auch eine Services Kategorie Veranstaltungsort, wo Mitglieder mit Trades Menschen und Dienstleister verbunden werden können. Einschränkungen für die Verwendung der Services-Kategorie sind in der Member-Services-Richtlinienrichtlinie skizziert. 2.2 Auf eigene Gefahr: Transaktionen und alle anderen Kontakte zwischen Ihnen und anderen Mitgliedern erfolgen ganz auf eigene Gefahr. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Trade Me keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für irgendwelche Fehlverhalten von irgendwelchen seiner Mitglieder einschließt, einschließlich, ohne Einschränkung, Mitglieder, die sich unter falschen Vorlieben registriert haben oder die versuchen, Sie zu betrügen. Trade Me gibt keine Verpflichtungen, Zusicherungen oder Garantien in Bezug auf Artikel, die auf der Website verkauft oder gelistet sind, oder Mitgliedsdienste, die durch die Dienstleistungskategorie beworben oder angeboten werden, einschließlich: über die Eigentumsverhältnisse für Inhalte, Sicherheit, Beschreibung, Wertigkeit, Qualität Oder die Rechtmäßigkeit der Gegenstände oder Mitgliedsdienste, die auf der Website angeführt sind, auf die Richtigkeit oder Wahrheit der Auflistung, dass jedes Element oder Mitgliedsservice, die in der Dienstleistungskategorie aufgeführt sind, Ihren Anforderungen oder Erwartungen entspricht oder die Fähigkeit der Mitglieder, eine Transaktion abzuschließen, Einschließlich Kreditkarten-Transaktionen. 2.3 Haftungsausschluss: Sie erklären ausdrücklich und stimmen zu, dass: Ihre Nutzung der Dienste auf eigene Gefahr erfolgt. Die Website und die Dienstleistungen werden auf einer so genannten und als zur Verfügung stehenden Basis zur Verfügung gestellt. Im gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang und ohne Einschränkung der Klausel 2.2 lehnt Trade Me alle stillschweigenden Bedingungen oder Garantien, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, Garantien der Marktgängigkeit, der Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck und der Nichtverletzung, wenn die Mitgliedsdienste sind, aus Angeboten in der Dienstleistungskategorie, Trade Me lehnt ab und schließt die Haftung für Garantien aus, dass ein Mitgliedsdienst mit angemessener Sorgfalt und Geschicklichkeit, Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck, Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung oder Preis für die Bereitstellung eines Mitgliedsdienstes durchgeführt wird Dass i) die angebotenen Dienste ununterbrochen, rechtzeitig, sicher oder fehlerfrei sind oder ii) dass alle Informationen (einschließlich Feedback), die auf der Website zur Verfügung gestellt werden, fehlerfrei oder zuverlässige Ratschläge oder Informationen sind, die Sie von Trade Me erhalten haben Oder jemand anderes wird eine Gewährleistung durch Trade Me, die nicht ausdrücklich in den Bedingungen und Bedingungen und Verantwortlichkeit für den Inhalt der Anzeigen auf dieser Website (einschließlich Hyperlinks auf Werbetreibende eigene Websites) beruht ausschließlich auf die Inserenten. Die Platzierung solcher Anzeigen auf der Website stellt keine Trade Mes Empfehlung oder Bestätigung des beworbenen Produkts oder der Dienstleistung dar. Jeder Werbetreibende ist allein verantwortlich für jede Vertretung, die im Zusammenhang mit seiner Werbung gemacht wird. Während Trade Me kann die Zahlung für einige Artikel durch Kreditkarte erleichtern, ist Trade Me in keiner Weise in der Transaktion selbst beteiligt, und die Verantwortung für jede Rückerstattung liegt beim Verkäufer. Während Trade Me Systeme hat, um das Risiko von Kreditkartenbetrug zu reduzieren, ist Trade Me nicht verantwortlich für den Schutz von Mitgliedern aus Kreditkartenbetrug. Trade Mes Betrugsschutzsysteme können von Zeit zu Zeit legitime Kreditkartenzahlungen blockieren. In diesen Fällen muss die Zahlung mit anderen Mitteln erfolgen. 2.4 Haftung: Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass in jedem gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang jegliche Haftung und Verantwortung des Handels an Sie oder eine andere Person unter oder in Verbindung mit diesen Bedingungen oder im Zusammenhang mit den Dienstleistungen diese Website, Ein anderer Mitgliedsgesetze oder Unterlassungen oder Ihre Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung der Dienste oder dieser Website ist ausgeschlossen, unabhängig davon, ob diese Haftung im Vertrag, unerlaubter Handlung (einschließlich Fahrlässigkeit), Eigenkapital, Verletzung der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung oder anderweitig entsteht. Trade Mes Haftung und Verantwortung ist in Bezug auf alle Verluste oder Schäden, gleich ob direkt oder indirekt, ausgeschlossen, einschließlich, ohne Einschränkung, Verlust von Gewinnen, Verlust von Daten, Verlust von Geschäften oder erwarteten Einsparungen, allgemeine und besondere Schäden und Folgeschäden und Zufälliger Verlust 2.5 Entschädigung: Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, uns von allen Ansprüchen, Ansprüchen, Kosten (einschließlich gesetzlicher Kosten und Aufwendungen), Verluste, Verfahren, Schäden, Verbindlichkeiten oder Forderungen, die uns durch uns entstanden sind, freizustellen, zu entschädigen und zu entschädigen Von oder im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Nichteinhaltung dieser Bedingungen und Konditionen, Ihr Versäumnis, eine Transaktion abzuschließen, Ihre Verwendung von Trade Mes Message Boards, Ihren Verkauf oder versuchten Verkauf eines Artikels, der nach Ziffer 4.2 (f) verboten ist, oder aus dem Alle Inhalte oder Artikel, die Sie übermitteln, übermitteln, übermitteln oder über die Dienste zur Verfügung stellen. 2.6 Verletzung: Ohne Einschränkung von anderen Rechten und Rechtsbehelfen, die für den Handel von mir zur Verfügung stehen, können Sie mich auf Ihre Website beschränken, Ihre Gebote, Angebote oder sonstigen Inhalte entfernen, andere Mitglieder Ihrer Handlungen warnen, eine Warnung an Sie ausgeben, aussetzen oder beenden Ihre Mitgliedschaft, oder verweigern Sie, unsere Dienstleistungen an Sie zu leisten, wenn Sie gegen diese Bedingungen verstoßen, insbesondere Ihre Verpflichtungen nach Ziffer 4 oder wo Trade Me es für angemessen hält. 3.1 Mitglied werden: Mitglied werden ist kostenlos. Sie können sich nur als Mitglied registrieren, wenn Sie in Neuseeland oder Australien ansässig sind (sofern nicht ausdrücklich von uns schriftlich genehmigt) und ein rechtsverbindlicher Vertrag geschlossen werden kann, der gegen Sie vollstreckbar ist. Sie müssen mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Mit der Anmeldung als Mitglied können Sie einen rechtsverbindlichen Vertrag abschließen. 3.2 Genaue Informationen: Sie garantieren, dass Sie bei der Registrierung als Mitglied vollständige, genaue und aktuelle persönliche Daten zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Sie müssen Ihre personenbezogenen Daten von Trade Me pflegen und aktualisieren, um sicherzustellen, dass sie jederzeit aktuell gehalten wird. Tragen Sie mich bitte an oder mailen Sie, um diese Details zu überprüfen. Sie dürfen sich nicht als Mitglied unter mehreren Identitäten oder Personen anmelden (ob falsch oder nicht). Allerdings können Sie bei Trade Mes Diskretion eine Geschäftsmitgliedschaft zusätzlich zu Ihrer persönlichen Mitgliedschaft erstellen. 3.3 Beendigung der Mitgliedschaft: Trade Me behält sich das Recht vor, sich zu registrieren oder Ihre Mitgliedschaft zu beenden, ohne weitere Gespräche mit Ihnen zu führen. Ohne Einschränkung des Vorstehenden kann Trade Me Ihre Mitgliedschaft kündigen, wenn eine ernsthafte Beschwerde oder mehrere Beschwerden über Sie von anderen Mitgliedern erhalten werden, wenn Sie diese Bedingungen verletzen, wenn Sie ein anderes Mitglied verkörpern oder wenn wir nach unserem alleinigen Ermessen, Ihr Verhalten ist nicht akzeptabel. Mitglieder, die sich unter mehreren Aliasen registriert haben, haben alle Aliase deaktiviert. Bei der Begrenzung Ihrer Aktivitäten auf der Website Trade Ich kann offsite Verhalten wie vorherige strafrechtliche Verurteilungen, Insolvenz oder andere Verhaltensweisen, die unsere Gemeinschaft oder Systeme gefährdet betrachten. Im Falle der Kündigung erklären Sie sich auch einverstanden, dass Sie keine neuen Trade Me-Mitgliedschaften eröffnen oder versuchen werden. Sie können jederzeit Ihre Trade Me-Mitgliedschaft schließen, indem Sie uns drei Tage schriftlich mitteilen. Wenn Sie Ihre Mitgliedschaft schließen, oder wenn es von Trade Me beendet wird, endet Ihre Fähigkeit, die Trade Me Website zu nutzen. Soweit Sie weiterhin auf die Website zugreifen, gelten die Klauseln 2.2-2.5, 4.1 und 6.8 dieser Bedingungen weiterhin. 3.4 Sicherheit Ihrer Anmeldeinformationen: Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, Ihre Anmeldeinformationen einschließlich Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und Ihres Passworts, geheim und sicher zu halten. Ohne Einschränkung des Vorstehenden erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass keine andere Person Ihren Benutzernamen oder Ihre Mitgliedschaft nutzen darf und keine anderen Personen, Ihr Passwort, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Ihr Geburtsdatum oder sonstige Informationen im Zusammenhang mit Ihrem Mitgliedschaft, die ihnen erlauben kann, Zugang zu Ihrer Mitgliedschaft zu erhalten. 3.5 E-Mails und Newsletter: Handel Ich schicke Ihnen E-Mails über Ihre Mitgliedschaft, Transaktionen und andere Aktivitäten auf der Website und für die Förderung und Vermarktung anderer Trade Me Produkte und Dienstleistungen für Sie. Trade Me kann auch regelmäßige elektronische Newsletter an Mitglieder senden. Newsletters werden klare und offensichtliche Anleitungen dafür enthalten, wie Sie sich von der Mailingliste abmelden können.3.6 Weitere Möglichkeiten zum Zugriff auf Trade Me und Trade Me-bezogene Daten: Trade Me bietet eine API (Application Programming Interface), um Software mit der Website zu verbinden. Die API ermöglicht es Entwicklern, neue Anwendungen für unsere Mitglieder zu verwenden. Wir nutzen es selbst, um unsere mobilen Anwendungen zu versorgen. Infolgedessen können Informationen, die Sie auf Trade Me veröffentlichen, über die API zugegriffen werden und können an anderen Orten wie Anwendungen oder Websites erscheinen. Wenn Sie eine Anmeldegenehmigung für den Zugriff auf Ihr Trade Me-Konto erteilen, kann diese Anwendung auf Informationen zugreifen, die Sie sehen können, wenn Sie bei Trade Me angemeldet sind. Wenn jemand eine Anwendung zum Zugriff auf Trade Me und Trades mit Ihnen verwendet, kann diese Anwendung in der Lage sein, auf Informationen zuzugreifen, die Sie der anderen Person während des Handelsprozesses zur Verfügung stellen, wie z. B. Ihre E-Mail - und Lieferadresse. Der Entwickler oder Besitzer einer Anwendung, die unsere API nutzt, muss unseren API-Bedingungen entsprechen. Alle Angebote, Angebote oder Mitteilungen, die durch Trade Me gemacht werden, sind nach Treu und Glauben zu vertreten. Sie dürfen die Website oder Dienste nicht beschädigen, beeinträchtigen oder beschädigen oder ein Netzwerk oder ein System, das zugrunde liegt oder mit ihnen verbunden ist, oder versuchen, dies zu tun. Sie dürfen keinen Roboter, Spinne, Schaber oder andere nicht autorisierte automatisierte Mittel verwenden, um darauf zuzugreifen Website oder Informationen, die auf sie für jeden Zweck vorgestellt werden. Sie dürfen nicht Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer oder andere Kontaktdetails in der Beschreibung der Auflistungen, Auflistung Kommentare und Fragen, in Ihrem Mitglied Profil oder in der Trade Me Message Boards. Nicht Widerspruch 4.1d oben, können Sie Ihre entsprechenden Kontaktdaten in den entsprechenden Kontaktdetails Felder der Liste Kategorien, die speziell für diese Details, dh Motors, Property, Jobs und classifieds. You müssen Auktionen und Kleinanzeigen in Neuseeland Dollar und enthalten GST im Preis (außer bei der Notierung Gewerbeimmobilien für Leasing, die GST ausschließt). Alle steuerlichen Pflichten liegen in der Verantwortung des Verkäufers und des Käufers (wie die Parteien bestimmen).Sie dürfen keine Transaktion außerhalb des Trade Me-Prozesses abschließen oder anderweitig versuchen, Trade Mes Erfolgsgebühren zu vermeiden. Versuche von Ihnen, Gebühren zu vermeiden, auch durch mehrere Mitgliedschaften, vorzeitige Auktion Rücknahme oder sonstige, kann dazu führen, dass Trade Me Suspending oder Beendigung Ihrer Mitgliedschaft im Ermessen von Trade Me. Contracts für den Verkauf von Grundstück muss schriftlich zu rechtlich durchsetzbar sein. Sie dürfen die Dienste oder die Website nicht nutzen, um Gegenstände zum Verkauf außerhalb der Services zu bewerben. Sie sind verantwortlich für alle Handlungen, die durch Ihre Mitgliedschaft getroffen werden. Trade Me-Mitgliedschaften sind nicht übertragbar und können daher nicht ohne besondere schriftliche Genehmigung von Trade Me.4.2 verkauft, vermietet, ausgeliehen oder gehandelt werden. Ihre Verpflichtungen als Verkäufer Verkäufer müssen sich in Neuseeland oder Australien befinden. Verkäufer außerhalb dieser Länder sind nicht berechtigt, auf Trade Me zu verkaufen, sofern nicht ausdrücklich schriftlich von Trade Me zugelassen. Verkäufer, die sich außerhalb von Neuseeland befinden, müssen mindestens eine der folgenden Zahlungsoptionen für Käufer anbieten: Jetzt bezahlen oder Zahlung in ihr eigenes inländisches Neuseeland Bankkonto. Verkäufer sollten keine Gegenstände an eine Adresse schicken, die außerhalb von Neuseeland und Australien liegt. Sie werden nur Listen eingeben, die korrekt, aktuell, vollständig sind und alle relevanten Informationen über die Verkaufsbedingungen, Zahlungsbedingungen, Versandmethoden und die Kosten der Sendung tragen. Es sei denn, Sie kaufen eine zweite Kategorie, müssen Sie ein Element in einer Kategorie nur, die die am besten geeignete Kategorie für Ihre Artikel sein müssen. Wenn Ihr Einzelteil vermutlich Zollgebühr für Kunden in Neuseeland anzieht, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass dieses eindeutig in Ihrem Auflistung gekennzeichnet ist. Wenn Sie eine zweite Kategorie kaufen, müssen die vorgewählten Kategorien die zwei für Ihr Einzelteil am besten geeigneten sein. Sehen Sie unsere Hilfeseite für weitere Informationen über die Auflistung in einer zweiten Kategorie. Sie werden nur Platzierungen für Gegenstände, die vorhanden sind, verkauft werden, und dass Sie rechtlich berechtigt zu verkaufen sind. Sie werden nur Artikel auflisten, die in Ihrem Besitz sind, außer wo Trade Me anderweitig schriftlich genehmigt hat. Im Falle von Kraftfahrzeugen, die vor der Küste sind, müssen sie auf dem Weg nach Neuseeland sein, und Sie müssen ein eingetragener Kraftfahrzeughändler sein und eine klare Befugnis haben, solche Fahrzeuge zu verkaufen, bevor sie sie auflisten können. Sie müssen auch deutlich zeigen, dass diese Fahrzeuge sind offshore oder in Transit in der Auflistung. Jedes Land, das zum Verkauf angeboten wird, muss in Neuseeland sein. Sie dürfen nur Dienstleistungen in unserer Dienstleistungskategorie oder in unserer Reise, Veranstaltungen Aktivitäten Kategorie verkaufen oder anbieten. Alle Services Category Listings müssen mit unserer Member Services Category Policy übereinstimmen. Sie können nur Buchungen und Tickets in unserem Reise-, Veranstaltungen-Aktivitäten-Kategorie verkaufen. Alle Flugtickets, Unterkunfts - und Reisepakete müssen aus Neuseeland (entweder direkt bei der Fluggesellschaft, dem Dienstleister oder über ein Reisebüro) in den Käufernamen überführt werden. Alle Angebote müssen mit dem Neuseeland-Gesetz übereinstimmen. Sie müssen nichts auflisten, das illegal ist, beleidigend (einschließlich irgendwelcher verleumderischer, pornografischer oder rassistischer oder ethnisch anstößiger Natur), gestohlen oder unsicher, was das Urheberrecht oder andere Rechte des geistigen Eigentums verletzt, Gegenstände, die illegal importiert wurden oder welche Würde eine illegale Einfuhr oder Ausfuhr erfordern, um die Transaktion abzuschließen, oder irgendeine Ware, die der Verkauf verboten ist oder gegen das Gesetz verstößt. Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, dass jede Auflistung von Ihnen diese Klausel 4.2 (f) nicht verletzt. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass Trade Me Ihre personenbezogenen Daten einschließlich Ihrer Namen und Kontaktdaten an die zuständigen Behörden, Parteien und an die anwendbaren Rechte des geistigen Eigentums (oder ihrer Vertreter) weitergeben kann, wenn wir bedenken, dass Sie gegen diese Klausel 4.2 (f ) Zu jeder Zeit. Um deine Bilder zu schützen, werden wir Wasserzeichen mit unserem Logo alle Bilder, die Sie auf Ihre Angebote hochladen. Sie müssen sicherstellen, dass Sie das Urheberrecht halten oder anderweitig lizenziert sind, um alle Bilder zu verwenden, die Sie zu Ihren Anzeigen hinzufügen. Wenn Sie einen Artikel für die Auktion auf Trade Me auflisten, sollten Sie dies mit der Absicht tun, diesen Artikel über die Website zu verkaufen. Deshalb solltest du deinen Artikel nicht über ein anderes Forum werben. Wenn Sie eine Auflistung für eine Auktion entfernen, wird Ihnen eine nicht rückzahlbare Abhebungsgebühr entstehen, unabhängig von der Ursache. Trade Me Kleinanzeigen können von Einzelpersonen oder Unternehmen verwendet werden, um bestimmte Elemente oder Jobs nur aufzulisten und dürfen nicht für mehrere oder generische Elemente verwendet werden Oder Stellenausschreibungen. Sie dürfen nicht mehrere Listen für ein einzelnes Element oder einen Job platzieren. Ihre Liste darf nur eine URL für eine Website enthalten, die weitere Informationen über den von Ihnen aufgelisteten Artikel enthält. Diese Website darf keine Gegenstände zum Verkauf anbieten oder Kontaktdaten enthalten. Sie dürfen keine Trade Me-Listen verwenden, um ein Geschäft oder eine andere Website als eine zum Verkauf in Ihrem Inserat zu bewerben. Sie dürfen die Dienste oder die Website nicht verwenden, um Gegenstände zu verkaufen, die spekulativ sind, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf, Pyramide oder ähnliches Schemata. Sie dürfen die Preise nicht durch Shill-Bieten oder manuelle Mehrfachrollen in einer einzigen Transaktion manipulieren. Für Auktionen müssen Sie an den Höchstbietenden verkaufen, wenn der Reservepreis erfüllt ist. Sie müssen nur an einen Bieter verkaufen, der nicht der Höchstbietende ist, nachdem angemessene Versuche unternommen worden sind, um den Sieger Bieter ohne Erfolg zu kontaktieren. Für Kleinanzeigen, können Sie wählen, um an jeden Käufer nach Ihrem Ermessen zu verkaufen. Sie werden nur Erwachsenen bewerteten Inhalt ( Videos, Zeitschriften, DVDs, etc.) in der Kategorie Adult. Adult-Inhalte, die in Nicht-Erwachsenen-Kategorien aufgeführt sind, werden entfernt oder in die Kategorie Adult verschoben. Listen sind nicht für den Inhalt vorgespannt. Trade Me behält sich das Recht vor, jegliche Auflistung zu entfernen, die er für unangemessen hält oder gegen die Bedingungen und Bedingungen verstößt. Sie stimmen zu, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse dem Käufer zur Verfügung gestellt wird, wenn Ihre Auktion schließt. Sie müssen den aufgeführten Artikel umgehend an den erfolgreichen Käufer weiterleiten Beendigung der Transaktion. Sie dürfen keine unangemessenen Beträge für Versand - und Verpackungskosten berechnen. Der Verkauf von Filmen, Videos, DVDs, VCDs und Laserdisketten wird durch das Films, Videos und Publikationen Klassifizierungsgesetz 1993 abgedeckt. Es ist ein Vergehen, irgendwelche zu verkaufen Von diesen Posten, wenn sie nicht von den zuständigen Stellen geprüft und klassifiziert wurden. Bei der Auflistung dieser Artikel zum Verkauf müssen Sie in Ihrem Eintrag, die Neuseeland Klassifizierung Rating und alle Informationen über die Klassifizierung Etikett enthalten. Der Verkauf von Schusswaffen und Munition entfernt auf Trade Me ist in den Bestimmungen von Abschnitt 43A des Waffengesetzes 1983. Es ist ein Vergehen, um per Post eine Feuerwaffe oder irgendeine Munition für eine Feuerwaffe zu verkaufen, ansonsten als nach einer schriftlichen Bestellung, die vom Käufer unterzeichnet wurde, und mit einer von einem Polizeibeamten unterzeichneten Befürwortung, dass das Polizeibeamte die Käufer-Schusswaffen inspiziert hat Lizenz und ist davon überzeugt, dass der Käufer eine passende und richtige Person ist, um diese Feuerwaffe oder Munition zu kaufen. Verkäufer müssen die Schusswaffenlizenz des Käufers sehen, oder für Fernverkauf muss eine schriftliche Bestätigung der Polizei unterschrieben werden, die bestätigt, dass der Käufer eine gültige Feuerwaffenlizenz besitzt. Formulare sind bei jeder Polizeistation verfügbar. Sie können nur eine Kategorie Schusswaffen, in sportlicher Konfiguration, wie im Waffengesetz 1983 definiert. Sie dürfen keine Schusswaffen verkaufen, die zusätzliche Lizenzvermerke zum Kauf oder Großkapazitätsmagazine erfordern. Sie dürfen nur Schusswaffen verkaufen, die bereits in Neuseeland sind. Übersee-Mitglieder dürfen keine Schusswaffen auf der Website kaufen oder verkaufen. Nur eine Waffe kann pro Inserat beworben werden. Wenn Sie ein Kfz-Händler sind, der ein Auto online durch Auktion verkauft, müssen Sie an das Kraftfahrzeug, eine Consumer Information Notice (CIN), in einer prominenten Position auf Ihrem Inserat (zB durch ein klares Foto) und bieten die CIN an die erfolgreiche Käufer. 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At Kiwi Caskets we believe: . caskets and coffins should be beautiful, functional and affordable to honour those who have passed away. . without exploiting the vulnerable state of those remaining. . All of our stock models have been designed with these qualities in mind. . Lovingly made in New Zealand by the kiwis at Kiwi Caskets Ltd. Our ready made range includes standard sized as well as oversize caskets and coffins. Plywood Casket Standard size plywood casket with rope handles, ready for you to decorate. Plywood Oversize Casket Oversize plywood casket, ready for you to decorate. Made to order. Give me the size you require (AND the WEIGHT of the person) and then ask for a quote through any of our Trademe Auctions . I will then put up a special auction for you. Outback Macrocarpa Casket This standard size casket is made from rough sawn macrocarpa and is reminscent of caskets used by our early New Zealand pioneers. Arranging A Funeral What You Can Do Yourselves A New Zealand Guide by Phillip Tomlinson We fully understand that our clients want minimal delay when they require a casket or coffin. Make phone contact and deposit full cash or EFTPOS payment to our bank (any Kiwibank branch) by mid-day any business day, we guarantee dispatch SAME-DAY to meet our delivery targets. FREE pickup from Feilding. Pickup can be arranged by APPOINTMENT for you to pickup for most times, including weekends and public holidays. Pre-pay to our bank account, or CASH at pickup. Sorry, NO EFTPOS or cheques. To check whether your address is classed as urban or rural go to: diyfuneral. co. nzfreight. php North Island urban areas: 44.50: Delivery normally next business day. North Island rural areas: 79.50 2.26km from nearest urban PBT depot, quotes available: Delivery normally next business day. South Island urban areas: 54.50. Delivery normally next business day. South Island rural areas: 89.50 2.26km from nearest urban PBT depot, quotes available. Delivery normally next business day. URGENT EXPRESS SERVICE: Delivery on weekends and Public Holidays available. Please ask for a quote through a question on one of our Trademe auctions . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by asking a question through one of our Trademe site auctions. Klicken Sie bitte hier. Full contact details are emailed immediately (within seconds) when you have made your purchase. Trademe has a requirement that we cannot supply direct contact information until AFTER you have made your purchase. Copyright 169 2016 Robert C. Belmont.23 February 2009 The book I8217ve been writing, Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax, is now ready for sale. It contains detailed instructions for weaving fifteen different flower and foliage designs as well as different variations of several of the designs. The book also includes examples of flower arrangements for the designs, and additional flax foliage ideas for flower arrangements. Most of the flower designs can be woven from a single flax leaf, and are very quick to weave once you8217ve had a bit of practice 8212 many of them are much quicker to weave than the flower design shown on the Weaving a flax flower page in the Instructions section of this website. Flowers woven from flax have become very popular over the last couple of years or so. Bunches of woven flax flowers are now offered for sale on TradeMe. and on the websites of Sema Morris and Tahi. (link now broken), and many school teachers are beginning to show their students how to weave flax flowers. I know from my own flax weaving workshops that people of all ages are keen to learn how to weave flowers 8212 as wedding bouquets, gifts or decorations in their own home. Woven flowers also make great projects for a beginner in flax weaving, and one of the advantages of flax flowers is that any variety of New Zealand flax can be used to weave them, including the coloured, variegated flaxes that are often grown as decorative garden plants throughout the world. Most of the instructions in the book are illustrated with the coloured flaxes, and show how nice they look as woven flowers. Of course, New Zealand flax is not essential for weaving flowers. As I mention on my History page, M257ori traditionally used many different plants for weaving. Really, any plant with reasonably long, strong leaves can be used for weaving flowers. Although most of the designs in the book are made from a single flax leaf, a few designs or variations are rather more elaborate, and one or two 8212 like the sunflower shown on the right 8212 require many leaves. Other photos from the book are shown in my Book page, which I8217ve just added to advertise the book, including instructions on how to purchase it. At the same time that I8217m putting up this blog post, I8217m also emailing all the people who have asked to be notified when the book came out, including some people who bought an earlier booklet that I put together rather quickly in 2007 when I was invited to tutor flower weaving to the conference delegates of the OSCAR after-school programme. (Up till now, I8217ve called the current book a booklet, but as it is now over a hundred pages in length and has its own ISBN number, I think I can fairly describe it as a book) Incidentally, the price of the book is considerably higher than the earlier booklet. This reflects the increase in size, from a 16-page booklet of 5 flower designs with small photographs to a 115-page book of 12 flower designs and 3 foliage designs with much larger photographs and more detailed instructions, as well as flower arrangements and additional flax foliage ideas. I imagine those who purchased the earlier booklet will find the book greatly improved. As well as the increase in size and detail, the quality of the photographs, instructions and layout is also much improved. However, I8217ve no doubt that the book can be improved still further. If you buy the book, do post a comment below if you can see how it might be improved, or post a question if any of the instructions are not entirely clear. If you8217re considering buying the book, and there8217s anything you8217d like to know about it, please don8217t hesitate to ask. Also, if you have a digital photo of a flower or flowers you have made 8212 or a photo of another version of a woven flower that you8217d like to share 8212 you can use a free photo-sharing website such as flickr. and put a link to the photo in my comment box. Update February 2011 The book is now in its second edition, and contains 127 pages with instructions for sixteen flower and foliage designs. The sixteenth flower is shown on Beachcombing for flaxworks . Update 29 July 2013 The book is now in its third edition, and contains 148 pages with instructions for nineteen flower and foliage designs. Three illustrations from the third edition are shown on the blog post, Netted flax flowers . 169 Alison Marion Brown 2009. 159 Responses to 8220Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax8221 I found, Weaving Flowers very informative and thorough with easy to follow instructions. I would recommend this book highly to beginners and experienced weavers alike. Well done Ali. I would like to buy your new book. I8217m in the U. S. I have a pay pal account if that works best. Karen Kotecki W366 S4340 Hwy 67 Dousman, WI 53118 U. S.A. Thanks for your order for the book. Yes, Paypal works best for orders from the USA and I8217ve just sent your invoice. The shipping-inclusive price to send the book to the USA is NZ49. You can check the details on the Book page on my web site. Your book has arrived at the National Library for our collections, and I8217m very keen to get my own personal copy. There is a lovely variety of flowers and ways of arranging - great to get new ideas. There are so few resources for weavers so great to have something new. I8217ve already passed on the link to my weaving group, and also some friends in other libraries - so I hope you get more orders from this The book arrived today and so far it looks brilliant. Will be showing to the others in our weaving group tomorrow. Will be fun to make them as a group. You have completed rather a master piece here and would look forward to the time you might put together another book for beginner weavers for kete making as there is so little available and so many people not able to source tuition. Not everyone is fortunate to have a weaving group to go to. Thank you for the many hours you have put in to get this book into print. I am so thrilled with my copy of your book. So many different flowers to make with such detailed and clear instructions. Also great to see such creativity. Our weaving group is also suitably impressed and most have asked me to order them a copy. Thankyou for sharing your ideas with us. Hi Brenda, Faye, Carrie, Bev Thanks for your comments 8212 and thanks for the order for 10 books, Bev. It8217s the biggest order from a weaving group I8217ve had so far It was also good to hear that one of your members immediately made one of the flowers by following the instructions. Ali It is a fantastic book - it arrived about 4 days ago and I have been beavering away ever since. The instructions are clear and easy to follow and the results are so amazing I still have to get to grips with dyeing the flax but once i have that under my belt, I will post some pics but already the flowers I am producing under your instruction are so impressive. Thank you for your wonderful book and I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone. Seemingly we have an old similar weaving tradition with reeds, if when I find out more I will let you know. Happy Paddy8217s day to everyone on the 17th best regards orlaith The book arrived quickly didn8217t it I sent it on the 3rd of March and you must have received it about the 12th I8217m so glad the instructions are working for you. I8217m not surprised to hear about the Irish tradition of weaving reeds 8212 weaving seems to be almost universal. It was also good to hear that you have plenty of NZ flax handy in Ireland 8212 in gardens and road verges 8212 because it8217s so good to weave with. Yes, do let us know about the Irish weaving tradition, and do post some pics. Thank you for the book - it is fantastic. The instructions are beautifully clear. I also really appreciated you sorting out the mail problem so quickly and with no hassles Hope you do well with sales Thank you Ali for sharing your skills, knowledge and creativity with us all. I love the book and have directed all my whanau and friends to your site. Would love to know a little bit about you, how long you8217ve been weaving for etc. Maybe you could include it in your next book Thanks also for autographing my treasured copy. Glad you like the book. I8217ve been weaving flax for about a decade now, see Star article. Before that I was involved in bobbin lacemaking. and also in other fibreweaving crafts. Thanks for the book - it is wonderful and inspiring. I can8217t wait to learn how to make each flower and committ them to memory. Yes, that8217s the best way isn8217t it Weaving doesn8217t get its rhythm and flow until one8217s fingers do the weaving all by themselves. How can I buy the book Weaving Flowers from NZ harakeke. Also do you have a book for making Kete. Look forward to hearing from you. You can buy the book directly from me. The book is 25 if you pay by direct credit into my bank account, (it can be more if you use other options) and the postage and packaging within New Zealand is 5. You can get my bank account information and more details from the Book page on my website. Alternatively, you could ask a local bookshop to order it, although the price would be higher through a bookshop. I don8217t currently have a book for making ketes but I do describe several books on my Reviews page that you may find useful. They are all usually available from your local library. Please is the book on sale in england, also what is the isbn number. thank you The book does have its own ISBN number (978-0-473-14165-3) which I8217ve added to the Book page on this web site. I haven8217t as yet had any requests from book wholesalers or bookshops in England to purchase the book. However the book can be purchased directly by anyone from me using Paypal and I have already had several people in England buying the book this way. The details about how to do this are on the Book page. i have received book today and totally enjoy every aspect of it, i had looked at my friends one and wanted to get one straight away, as i did, no hassle. very easy guide as my daughters follow through and happy with results like me, thank you for putting this book out. :D I8217m glad you8217re enjoying the book and it8217s good to hear that you and your daughters are finding the instructions easy to follow. Happy weaving hi there, would like to purchase a copy of your book. how to i get a bank number to deposit money into and how do you know when that i made a deposit Thanks for your enquiry about my book. All the information on how to purchase the book, including the bank account number for direct deposit, are on the Book page of this web site. Email me when you8217ve made the deposit and if you make your payment by following the instructions I8217ve put on the book page, I8217ll be able to identify your payment. Nga mihi nui ki a koe Ali :0) Thanks for the book. Its fantastic and I look forward to making all the beautiful putiputi. Mauri ora Nadya I love your weaving. I would like to buy your book. I would like to send you my Master card number so that you can send me your book. Let me know if that is OK. My address: 21155 County Road 21, R R 1, Alexandria, Ontario K0C 1A0 Thanks for your interest in my book. I can accept Mastercard through Paypal and I8217ve sent you an invoice through them. Is New Zealand flax grown widely in Canada I know it grows in many parts of the world and it8217s always interesting to hear first-hand about the extent of its use. Hello and thank you for such an awesome book just bursting with beauty and amazing ideas. What a wonderful gift too for friend and whanau. I am going to purchase another book for a friend very soon. I can8217t wait to master this bunch. Anita. Textilian and Fibre Head Paradise. I was shown how to weave one of your flowers and thought the person showing me was so very clever8230.until I found your website. Had to have the book immediately and just love it. Have many friends drooling over it now I love to make eco art and this certainly is. The flax gardens in Perth, WA are being decimated8230..and put to good use. I would love to visit one day and workshop with you. I have had a quick flick through your book it looks absolutely fabulous. Can8217t wait to get home and try some flowers. My friends also loved your book. Thank you so much for doing the book. Best regards Lesley It8217s good to hear the books arrived safely. Do you have a lot of flax in Norfolk Island Do people use the new coloured hybrid flaxes in their gardens I have started weaving this year. Flowers are a great to weave and give to family and friends. Mrs Brown book on weaved flowers is simple and easy to follow with photos to match. I took my book to class and everyone there found it great. Thanks so much for writing it. Hi Ali, Your book arrived this weekend and I have managed to practice a few of the flowers already. So far the instructions are clear and your illustrations are a fantastic inspiration. I was weaving this evening and on the telly came a documentary about the Sth Pacific and the animals that grace it with their presence, like the Kakapo and the Kea. I wove away, blistering with pride for coming from such a special place. Thanks again and best wishes, Hannah, UK Kia ora, Thanks for this book8230 and soooo colourful too. I buy resources for a tertiary library and your book happened to come across my desk and I decided, after looking through it that I needed one for myself8230. so thanks a bunch Just got your book and it only took a couple of days to arrive from NZ to the UK - it8217s FAB I learn flax weaving from my iwi on the east coast in Muriwai and I have just been invited to run some flax flower weaving workshops for the Summer Festival at the private boarding school where I work. So, thought I would get your book in time to brush up on the history of flaxweaving etc. and I love allt he varieties of flowers and will definitely try some. I live in Australia and I would like to buy your book. I have a paypal account to transfer payment through. Many thanks, Kim Just love your book. Its so informative with easy to follow instructions, even I can understand as I don8217t like learning like this I8217m more visual and learn better that way. Well done Ali, theres nothing left out it covers so much. I wish you well, Kia ora. Thanks heaps, Tarnz I first came across your website a year and a half ago when I was looking for instructions on how to weave flax flowers. I wanted to make them for a display within my classroom that incorporated the bicultural aspect of our Religious Education programme. I returned to your site to look for instructions on how to weave flax roses when I noticed you had a book for sale and decided I needed to have this book, not forgetting to mention the affordable price. As soon as I got it, I had to share it with the rest of our staff. We were all in agreement in how beautifully presented and informative this book was, including step-by-step processes with very clear images and a range of different flowers. I truly am thankful and wish you all the very best for the future. People, if you are interested in a weaving book to buy, this is the one for you. Don8217t miss this opportunity, it is well worth the money. Kindest regards and blessings Rochelle Hi Ali Love your book - the instructions are so easy to follow and your ideas are great. Very inspiring Thanks heaps Craigie Hi Ali Have recently purchased your book and took it along to a weaving course run by Mureen Harte in Golden Bay. She loved it as did the class, well done and thanks so much. Annette Im very glad I found this book in a library and later on I also ordered it. There is so few resources for 8220weavers8221 and this one is really handfull. Nice and clear pictures are very detailed. This book is awesome and I am taking it home to Europe with me Hi Ali I had wanted your book since I first saw you were writing it. I asked my parents to give it to me for my birthday. Wow it8217s so much more comprehensive than I ever expected, I have been weaving for 3 years - but the quality of my flowers improved dramatically within a week of receiving your book. Dad also was very pleased with the level of communication and service from you during the ordering process. Thanks heaps. I8217m about to order another one for a friend8217s birthday. Excellent book. Very well presented with clear photos and easy to follow instructions. Our flax flower weaving has improved immensely. Thanks Ali. Hi Ali, saw your book at a recent weavers wananga at Mangawhai (my dear friend Marie Flavell brought it along). This is great, I can weave a kete in no time at all but any form of flower is always such a struggle and most seasoned weavers won8217t touch the subject8230 I started making all sorts of flowers strait away (much to the surprise of my fellow weavers there who expect me to have at least two kete done by lunch time8230) - so thanks for your great work and I think I will order one at a later stage as well (good to know you use paypal as well) - always good to speed up the memory. Cheers Rita PS: love your website to This book is AMAZING love love love and so easy to follow This book seems to be amazing. I love to have one. Weaving flowers is cool. kia ora i just recieved my book the other day and it was the best thing i have brought in a long time. I have been weaving for a few years now but had limited ideas on making flowers or arrangements. i have found this the best book i have seen in a long time and i will treasure it forever, even my children can follow the simple instrucions i have recomended this website to so many people and now i will recomend this book it was an awesome book thanks ali. He pai rawa atu tenei pukapuka. This is a great book and very easy to follow instructions. Awesome website as well. Best money I8217ve spent in a long time. kia ora just wondering how much it would cost to buy your book i taught myself how to do afew bouquets and the roses and some takai just looking at ways to extend my variety i could pay for the book in 3weeks with credit card is that okay awaiting a reply please to my email account. Thanks everyone for all the comments you8217ve made about the book. It8217s good to know that the instructions are easy to follow and that you8217re enjoying making the flowers. Happy weaving kia ora, ali. i would love to buy your book, i have a couple of nanas who r every interested in learing your flowers. i my self have done sum of your flowers, but would luv to get to do more. i have left my email, and would luv to hear from you. thanks so much. tan Thanks for your interest in my book. All the information about how to buy my book Weaving Flowers from New Zealand flax are on the Book page of this website. Hi Ali I just absolutely agree with all the other readers. Your book is fantastic. Best investment I8217ve made in ages. I8217m just waiting for some nice dry, warm weather so I can go out and gather some harakeke and get weaving. Your instructions are so clear and easy to follow. My son is getting married next year and I might just surprise them and make their floral dec8217s for their special day. thanks so much Ali. Looking forwasrd to your next bookgt(- Regards Frances Hi Ali, Wow. Thank you so much for your wonderful book, this book is the best book I have brought in a long time. Your flowers are amazing, I8217m so glad you have taken the time to put this incredible book together. Ever since I received my first flax bouquet 3 years ago I have wanted nothing more than to learn how to make them myself, and thanks to your easy to follow book me and my children have some great school holiday projects on the go. Thank you again and I8217ll definitely be keeping my eye out for any future books you release. Thank you Arohanui Tracey Would like to say your that book is awesome. Have never really been able to grasp the technique of making putiputi, but the pictures and instructions certainly help. Thank you for the great resource and will be keen to see more books in the future Thanx Denise what a beautiful book. thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge and tradition. I8217m really looking forward to trying some of these flowers. thank you, K What a lovely, lovely book I want to make everything in it Thank you so much Ali for sharing your craft. Its awesome I was wondering if you made bouquets to order Thanks for your enquiry. No I don8217t make bouquets to order but do check out my Links page on this website for people who do. This book is awesome. Thank you for writing it Ali. I cannot wait to make some 8220putiputi8221 for my house and family. Hi Ali, your book is Wonderful. I take it with me wherever I go. Love the Koru pattern and all the others. Thanks again for such a detailed book, best Iv8217e seen yet8230. good morning Ali, just received my book re flowers and am in awe. had to have a go as soon as I got home. I planted flax 3 year ago in anticipation of future creations. Have about 4 variety and was fun selecting my starter pack. I was introduced to harakeke via a night class at local wananga, alas I dropped out early as I couldn8217t cope with the classroom work and running a business fulltime. the course ran over 3 nights per week for 3 terms. I think I lasted 1 term. I beat myself up for not coping and wish it could have been easier, some people just want to create, now I can. I have learnt the basics re kono, kete kumara etc, amp dyeing. when the chips were down and I wasn8217t getting it I thought making flowers would have given the old morale a boost, alas that is not what they did. so here I am. ready to pick up the threads again. thankyou heaps for the best book I now own. and definitely room for you to produce a kete book, so good old crafters like me can just get on with it. regards faye thanks for sharing that wonderful book with us Kia ora Just wondering if you were taught how to weave or if you8217ve picked it up yourself. Reason for my question is if you have been taught - there are no thank yous to those people. I must say you have some beautiful work and I have your book on flowers. That8217s where I noticed no acknowledgments. I8217ve picked up my weaving skills from a variety of sources. Mainly, I learn by playing around, and also from reading books and going on courses, and talking to people who have been doing it for years. Currently I8217m working on a technique for making a pohutakawa flower to use as a hair ornament for a contestant in a beauty pageant. If the technique turns out to be a successful way to make a pohutakawa flower, then I8217ll add the technique to my book 8220Weaving Flowers from New Zealand flax8221 . Hi Ali, I am interested in purchasing your book via snail mail. I live in Melbourne Australia. Can you give me a price to cover. I have no weaving experience at all, do you forsee me being able to start on my own from scratch and completing at least one item. Also, can you suggest another material other than flax as we don8217t have local supply. Ich freue mich auf ihre Antwort. The price for a book to Australia is NZ40 if you8217re paying through Paypal. I8217ll send you an invoice. I8217m sure you will be able to make most of the flowers in the book. People have emailed me telling me how easy the instructions are to follow so I think you8217ll be OK. You can use Astelia or palm leaves or any tough fibrous leaf to make the flowers. You could also try corn husks. A few years ago I helped the children at Hira School (just outside Nelson) to make flax flowers for presentation to performers in a show that they put on for the local community. I wish that I had had your book then. It is a valuable resource for all levels of ability. Thanks a bundle I have had your book for a few weeks now and loving it to bits. My mum showed me a few and then my interest was sparked. I then found your sight, got the book and now there is no turning back. A friend is getting married in March and I will be doing the flowers for the wedding, so have been putting in hours and hours of practice. The tips and techniques in your book have been priceless. I have followed them step by step to create the 8220prototype8221 and then added a few 8220finishing8221 touches as I bring it all together. The book is fantastic and well worth the money. Thank you so much for your mahi to make this book happen. I see from your comments that you are looking to add a pohutukawa to the book (if it works out). Are you able to somehow do an 8220additions8221 part to your book - I am happy to pay, but I would like to keep my book up to date with all of your new creations. It might be too hard to keep track of it though, so kei te pai if it won8217t work. Thank Ali, i received your book not long after it was on the shelves from my employers and fell in love with it. Not long after that we held a wananga learning how to make flax flowers which all stemmed from your book. I must send you some photos. We all thoroughly enjoyed our two days. Beautifully illustrated and easy to follow. Vielen Dank. Just today one of the women showed me her first flower and left it at our school. Her next task was a flax flower bouquet. Hi Olivia Thanks so much for letting me know about your wananga. It8217s great to hear that the book is inspiring people to get together and share their interest and enjoyment of learning to weave flax flowers. Do send me some photos if you have them and I8217ll put them up here. Thanks for your comments about the book and well done with all the weaving you are doing. I do hope you send some photos so that I can put them up on my blog and we can all see your creativity. Yes I did end up making a pohutukawa flower that is designed to be worn as a hair adornment. I do plan to update my book Weaving Flowers from New Zealand flax and instructions for the pohutukawa flower will be in that. However it will be a wee while away yet. Hi Ali, I am interested in buying your book, can I be cheeky and ask that when I do - would you be able to send me a photocopy of the pohutukawa flower instructions cheers Sorry but I don8217t have any written instructions for the pohutukawa yet. I made it as a prototype, which meant making lots of changes and adjustments and I went along, and so I didn8217t photograph the process. However, I will do instructions sometime this year and include it in an updated version of my book. Kia Ora Ali, I recently purchased 3 books one each for two aunties and one for myself. So lovely that someone is willing to share and to part with their knowledge so willingly. A treasured addition to my book collection. Your book arrived this morning and I haven8217t had the chance to read it properly yet. but I have skimmmed through it and from what I saw I am so excited I just can8217t wait to get down and at it, lol. A well presentd book with instructions and diagrams that couldn8217t be any clearer and it is so encouraging. especially for a newby like me. Thank you so much Ali for a giving us a glimpse of your special talent and sharing your knowledge with us all. I am also keen to learn kiti weaving too. Do you have a book available with instructions on how to weave kiti please. I8217m glad you like the look of my book. Check out my Reviews page for some books that have some instructions for kete-making. You may also be interested to know that I have recently started writing a book on weaving baskets, or kete, but it8217s not easy to predict how long it will take to complete. My first book took about 18 months to complete, so this one may be similar but I really don8217t know. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on my blog for updates. Hi Ali. Thanks for the book, I8217m very impressed. I made a rose first go with your easy to follow photographs and processes. I will keep watching for any other books you endevour to put together. Hi Ali Just received book in the mail and have been out looking for flax in our area. I8217m so glad flax is now being used quite a lot in Sydney as a decorative plant and so far have been able to obtain enough supplies..but now I have your book I cant wait to get int o weaving and particularly having a go at dyeing. Thanks for a great publication Hi there, I8217ve ordered a book and waiting for it to arrive by courier. My colleague purchased one a few months ago and I have to say that I loved it so much and found it so user friendly that I decided to invest in one for our workplace. We are social workers in schools and this is a brilliant resource to have. I can8217t wait to receive the book and look forward to using it with my students. Well done Ali - all of the photography is clear, instructions clear. You need to put this out into all school libraries or resource centres. I will share your ideas with the small community I work in in the Hokianga and one will go into the school library. Might be a good idea to write a bit more about yourself, and a photo as I would like to know who this brilliant person is. Brilliant resource anyway Ali. I have no weaving experience whatsoever. I am a sch secretary who ordered your book for our Kura. it will be a well used resource. When it arrived i gave your orchid a go with success. All instructions given are so simple. Photos are nice and clear and easy to follow. You have a beautiful gift and I thank you for sharing it with all other weavers through your book. Kia ora Te Ruru Thanks for your suggestion about writing a bit about myself. I will probably do this soon. In the meantime, there is some information on the blog post An Article in the Christchurch Star. Hi Ali, I received my book today and My Heap Big Provider (Hubby) is wondering where dinner is but he is used to that being married to a floral designer. Being dyslexic I do have trouble with instructions but find your book very easy to follow. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. Weaving is a fabulous pastime and there is nothing more relaxing then sitting around with a group of friends or with the grand children having a go at creating something from flax. Can you purchase this book in Australia and from where Hi Dot It8217s good to hear that the instructions are easy to follow for someone with dyslexia and I8217m glad you8217re enjoying the book. Hi Sheryle There are currently no outlets in Australia selling the book but you can purchase it directly from me by paying through PayPal. All the information about this is on the Book page of this web site. This would have to be the most user - friendly instructional book I know of - I just can8217t wait until I can have a go at everything. Keep up the great work including your blog site. I just apologise for thime it has taken me to comment being that the book was delivered within a couple of days. You truly have an amazing talent - thankyou for sharing. Congratulations on a wonderful book - i have managed to get my hands on a copy and it is brilliant. Really helped me to stretch my skills in weaving NZ flax flowers to add to our designs. Love seeing all your positive feedback too Well done and thank you Thanks for writng such a great book. It is so simple to understand. I just wish I had sent for it from you direct. But I was to impatient to wait. So I bought at a local bookshop. Iam really looking forward to getting into making bunches of flowers. Thankyou for your great website. look forward to getting more great ideas from you. Kia ora Ali, Thank you so much for sending me your great book. It is beautifully designed and the instructions are very clear and easy to follow. I haven8217t even had it a week and already have a huge vase full of putiputi. I can8217t wait to get back to Chch and sign up for some of your courses. Hei kona mai - Carrie Ali I have just been given you book as a gift, I feel like I am really privilidged to have received this taonga. It is brilliant, easy to follow and nicely illustrated. I that sales are successful for you. Noho ora mai ra WOW a amazing book. My partner who is a top tattoo artist was in awe Can you give sum addvice about spray painting the flowers What an awesome book. Easy to follow instructions with great photos to back the instructions. Well done Ali on a fantastic book. I8217m so glad I came across your website after a random search on more information regarding weaving. I received the book and am so very happy I ordered it. I highly recommend to anyone beginner or expert as the detail and pictures help in so many ways. I am a novice but could follow the instructions so very easily. This is a Taonga to be treasured:) Thank you so much for an AWESOME book Hey Ali, Great book. I love the range of all the amazing colourful beautiful flowers to create I look forward to making more (time is hard to come by with two young kids and a house bus) and i want more dyes first Also I had two friends come over (who have only woven once before) they picked up the book, looked at the pictures and made 2 really lovely lillies really fast, easy to follow Great work Ali Thank you very much. So much fun creating to be had Hi Ali Thanks for the quick sending of the book, I was given your name by a colleague at work who has been surfing the net she said this book was awesome you should have a look, which I did and have now purchased. I am a kindergarten teacher and have loved making flax works for a long time but never known what there names were. I have made most of the flowers in your book through experimenting, but now I have a name for them. Thank you for an awesome book. Regards Joanne hi Ali thank you for a fast delivery. The pictures are so clear i am able to weave and look at pictures at the same time Thank you for a book that is so easy to understand goodluck with sales Margaret Tena koe Ali Inspirational book with clear instructions and great pictures. Thanks a bunch Rei Hi there Recieved your book yesterday, and have just made my first flower Am looking to make the flowers for my wedding bouquet and centrepieces, and with your clear instructions and pictures I really think its possible Thanks again for putting this information together. Cheers, S Hi Ali, Thanks a million for your super efficient delivery. A pretty inspirational book with easy step by step instructions. Looking forward too creating some exciting pieces myself. Also a great book for sharing and creating with others. Vielen Dank. Cheers Sandy. Thanks very much for sending the book so quickly. Have only had a quick look but tonight when kids are in bed I8217m going to sit down and have a really good look. What I8217ve seen looks impressive. Danke noch einmal. Hi wondering where i can get your book. Im really keen to learn how to make flax flowers as i would like to make them for my wedding next year. You can buy the book directly from me. All the details about buying it are on the Book page of this web site. i am not sure if this is going to be on twice as i thought i entered it last night but can8217t find my comments on your blog82308230 so here i go again. i just received your book for xmas and it is the best xmas present i could have been given. i have dabbled in harakeke in the past but i love these short projects and am able to teach them to my students at school82308230senior special needs students. please let me know if you run any courses in the bottom half of the nth isl as i would be a starter. thanks again arohanui 8230. Pauline hi ali just recieved the book excellant easy to follow instructions I am so wrapped hey ali whats that machne called that does those lacey flax some say a pasta machine i know they are quite expensive but yeah I am going to start up my own art club ivve been flat out doing korowai piupius taniko ketes to tell you the truth Ive never been interested in flax flowers til I surf the net and came across your page and well yes many others and they look so beautiful if they are done properly great job ali cheers Hi Nancy Glad you8217re enjoying the book. Yes it8217s a pasta machine that people use to make the lacey flax. You may need to iron the flax once you8217ve put it through the machine. You can often buy second hand pasta machines through TradeMe. Addendum, 29 July 2013 Since writing this comment, I have a new understanding of the legal situation regarding netting flax, and have updated the netted flax section of this website to reflect the correct information. I would love to purchase your book. Please email me. I can pay through PayPal. Hi Jerolyn I have just sent you an email outlining the two different shipping options. Let me know which shipping option you prefer and I8217ll send a PayPal invoice. The shipping options are also outlined on my Book page. First of all I hope you and all your family are ok after this earthquake. Thank you so much for the book it arrived really promptly. Im starting to get the hang of the flowers now - just looking for some bright colours to dye them(mine have all come out rather pale using dylon). Thanks for your thoughts. My family are all safe and well although we have a badly damaged house. Luckily we have a son we can stay with. Dylon dye does result in a paler colour but you8217ll find Teri or Rit dyes will give you a strong colour. Check out my Dyeing flax page for contact information for these dyes. Hello, Would like to purchase a copy of 8216Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax8217 online through my paypal. Stephen dear ali thankyou so much for quick response to sending book am delighted. do you have instructions for simple kete8217s I8217m currently writing a book on how to make simple ketes, although the writing has been interrupted by the Christchurch earthquake. Keep an eye on my blog for an update on when the book will be published. Love your website I check it out everyday. What a very beautiful woman you are for humbly sharing your knowledge and experience with everyone. And I definitly agree your books are a treasured taonga8230 My birthday is nearing and I have hinted out aloud to my children that I want Ali Brown8217s Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax, second edition book, lol and their response82308221yes mum we heard you like the last 50 times8221. So I hope they got the hint Arohanui to you and your family, and I hope you8217s are all well. Thanks for your comments and for the order for the second edition of the book. Glad to see your family took the hint I would like to purchase a copy of your book - could you please email me how I go about this Thank you for your interest in my book. You can purchase it directly from me. All the information about how to go about this is on the Book page of this web site. Thank you so very much for your book, and prompt delivery. Your book is even more amazing holding it in my hands. Beautiful pictures and easy to follow instructions, which my son and I were able to follow and complete 5 assorted flowers so far. Just waiting for a couple of fine days to get more harakeke:) Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, I have bought your 2nd edition book and find your pictures and instructions very clear. Thank you for your creativity and willingness to help beginners like myself by posting ever new things on your blog. Kind regards, Wendy i would like 2 books of the Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax please i have put 66.50 dollars in to your bank to night d n barlow 125 Earn street appleby Invercargill post number 9822 Thanks for the payment. I put the books in the post on the Saturday 17th September. Hope you enjoy it Hi Ali Just like to say thank you for your prompt service. I ordered my book Monday evening and it was here Wednesday morning. Genial. Considering you are in Christchurch and I am in New Plymouth. hi ali i will like a copy to be send oversea with express airmail paying with paypal thanks Can you tell me which country you8217d like the book to be sent to please, and then I can send you the PayPal invoice. I would like to purchase Weaving Flowers from NZ Flax, to also enquire of any further weaving book publications and the prices of each book please. Thank you Avalon To order Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax . please see the instructions on my Book page. Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax is the only book I8217ve written so far. Kia Ora Ali, I first bought your book here at a local bookshop in Gisborne for my aunt8217s birthday, when she finally allowed anyone else to touch it I copied down the web address. I finally ordered my own copy last week and it arrived yesterday, but it seems I need to order myself yet another copy as another aunt was in raptures about the book and consequently left for home in the Waikato this morning with it tucked under her arm. The book is absolutely beautiful Also looking through the web pages I was wondering is there any plans for another book for the other projects I work with at risk teens and it would be great to have booklets or pamphlets for them to see. Morena I decided to do my own flax flowers for our wedding and have found your book easy to follow, pictures are good for me, with step by step. My partner has become involved and have to admit his are better than mine. I continue to challenge myself with something new each week. Thanks for letting me know that you8217ve found the book easy to follow and it8217s great to hear that your partner is weaving too. I8217d love to see some photos of your wedding flowers when they are made, if you feel like sending some to me. Good luck for your wedding He mihi nui kia Ali mo to Pukapuka tino ataahua. i would like to express how awesome this book is especially for a novice like myself and yet just as helpful to a seasoned weaver like my nanny8230this book is so easy to follow and the pictures are inspiring i am 26 yrs and after showing this book off to all my friends who usually arnt into this, are now wanting to start creating these beautiful putiputi for themselves (they all want to borrow my book but i tell em where they can get a copy of their own hehehe) for the price this book is well worth it especially since it will benefit generations to come8230thank you so much Ali and look forward to reading or seeing more of your mahi8230 Hi Ali Love your book, easy to follow Have made one flower and was pleased with myself how it turned out. Can8217t wait to do some more and get into dying them. My son is getting married at the end of the year so going to try doing some for that. Tena koe Ali Thank you for your book, the instructions are easy to follow, I have started making flowers and I am pleased with the outcome. I find the softer flax easier to use when making flowers. I will start dying the flowers soon. I am helping my daughter to prepare for my sons wedding at the end of the year here in Christchurch. Thank you for your prompt delivery of the book, much appreciated. Just received my copy of your book, thank you so much, it has inspired all the wahine in my family, we are having woking bees together to produce table arrangements for my nephews wedding, It is incredibly generous of you to share your talent with the rest of us.:-) Kia ora Ali, Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU. Your 8216Weaving Flowers from NZ Flax8217 book. An amazing resource. Its been enjoyed by our whaanau since we purchased it, about 8 months ago now. The pictures, the descriptions, all too easy. Very simple, so very clear, esp for someone like me who learns better being shown than having to read it. So, thank you for this resource. Thank you for giving us this gift that we can share with the next generation. Loving it and really inspired by it. Vielen Dank. Mxoxo Good morning Ali, My floral art club has recently purchased your book on Weaving Flowers in New Zealand Flax. It has created such excitement that many members wish to purchase their own personal copy of the book. How much is postage for an order of maybe 8-10 copies to be sent to Whangarei. The club will collect the money with the pp included before placing the bulk order. You have created a valuable resource with user friendly instructions. Glückwünsche. Judi Crawford, Whangarei Floral Art Club Thank you for letting me know how much your members are enjoying the book. I8217d love to see some photos on your creations. The cost for 8 books plus postage and packaging is 246 altogether, 274 for 9 books, and 290 for 10 books. Just wanted to say that I received my books - one for me and one for a friend and we are absolutely delighted with them. The format is fab with the step by step photos. For anyone who lives overseas and wishes this book then go for it The books didn8217t take long to get here - I live in the Orkney Islands (UK). Can8217t wait to get started - loads of inspiration. Congratulations and Thank you very much for your lovely book, it is so awesome, well written and the instructions very clear. My daughter asked why did I get a book as you know how to make flowers, I told her this book and my other weaving books are our treasures for our family and future grand children to use for when they are ready to learn. I look forward to all your future books. Tena rawa atu koe Ali nga mihi Reremoana Kia Ora Ali, My books arrived today and I was in the middle of painting my house. I dropped the brush washed my hands and sat and read the books from front to back. They are the most AWESOME books I have ever owned. My husband was very impressed with the instructions and varietys of flowers to make. I cant wait to get more flax and start creating. Thank you so very much for my treasured toanga. Do you have anything different in your second edition and will your book on making kete be avaiable soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your wonderful book, the easy to follow instructions and pictures are a great help and I look forward to making all of your designs. To Ali Brown, my sons gave me your book 8220Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax8221 for Christmas 2012 and I am just so excited and happy to have it. I wasn8217t allowed to open it before Christmas, which was a struggle because I wanted to get stuck into reading it immediately when it arrived in the post. Christmas day I turned open the front cover and as I went through to the end, I saw that every page is jam packed full of useful tips, instructions and inspiration Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skill in this way. PS: My boys and I really appreciated how quickly you sent the book to us - you made the trade so easy - there was no stress - thank you again I have been working from this book each summer, introducing friends and their children to flax weaving. It is so clear and easy to follow with perfect pictures. I have been borrowing the book from our local library but it is so good that I have decided to buy my own copy. Well done and I look forward to another book on weaving kete. Hello Ali8230 I just wanted to say how much i love your work. I am a weaver from the Washington State in the US. I am Native American and we weave with cedar bark. This is very inspiring and I would love to try some of these techniques. thank you for sharing. The book arrived this week, and I love it. Had already looked through a copy that a friend have but wanted to get my own as i am endevouring to make all our flowers for our wedding next year. My winter project is perfecting them. The book couldnt8217t have come at a better time nga mihi Hi there, was just wondering if you have recieved my payment for your book and email with mailing address, as i have not heard from you yet. Thanks Hailey Pegram Hi Hailey Yes I have thanks Hailey. I sent the book on Wednesday and emailed you today. Hi there Having made a bridal bouquet out of flax flowers that someone else had made I couldnt wait to have a go myself. I was shown the book by a friend who said I could borrow it. I knew she would never get it back I loved the book so much when I first saw it. So excited yesterday when my own copy arrived in the mail. Cant wait to make every flower in the book into different bouquetsfloral arrangements. Ali, we love the book Very easy to follow for a beginner, great for young and old and we have recommended your book to others. Well done. Looking forward to making something a bit bigger. Vielen Dank. Thank you for your wonderful book. so many different flowers. so easy to use, you have put so much work into it Thank you very much Hi Ali My original book purchased years ago is falling apart from overuse so it is time to purchase a new one Will you send me an invoice. Love your book so much, thankyou for introducing me to this wonderful craft xxxxx Orlaith Nice to hear from you again and it8217s great to hear you are having such pleasure from the book. I have just sent you a Paypal invoice for the third edition of Weaving Flowers from New Zealand Flax. Ali, got your email thanks so much and filled in the necessary. So looking forward to getting my new book, have you any plans to do a kete book. I do love Mick Predergast but his instructions are not as easy to follow as yours. Thanks again and i will let you know when it arrives xxx Greetings Ali I have just completed a novel which in part tells a fictionalised version of an event which saw Pakakohe Mori men imprisoned in Dunedin in 1869. However the novel is a contemporary one with a woman Charlotte as the main character. IT has been accepted for publication by USA publishers and the cover design people sent me their draft today for my comment. Although I love how they have captured the essence, I would love to substitute the flower posy they use on the cover with one of your woven flax flower photos from your book. They are so wonderful and epitomise what my story is about. The Title of the novel is 8220Strands of Flax8221 Could I perhaps ring you to discuss Kind regards Raewyn Hi Orlaith Sorry for the delay in responding online. I am preparing a kete book, but it8217s taking me a while, and it8217ll be a while yet before it8217s published. Hi Raewyn By all means. I look forward to talking with you on the phone. First, I suggest you attach the draft cover design to an email to me, and then we can talk over the particular style of flower that may suit the cover best. Is your book still available. If so how do I order it and what is the cost please. Hi Sylvia Yes my book is available and you can buy it directly from me. All the details about buying it are on the Book page of my web site. Hi Ali My brother and his partner wanted harakeke putiputi for their wedding in February 2014, so purchased your book for me. What an awesome guide for anyone. I have been weaving for 3 years now, and had not tried putiputi prior to receiving your book. After finishing the wedding bouquets, buttonholes and cake topper, I have since tried most of the flowers and absolutely enjoyed following your step-by-step instructions. Thank you Hi Ria It8217s nice to hear you have enjoyed the book and completed so much weaving for your brother8217s wedding. I8217d love to see some photos if you get a chance to send me some. Hi Ali, we live in Whakapirau on the Kaipara. We have a huge flax in our backyard next to a pond. I was saying to my partner 8220You do not see much flax weaving anymore8221 so I did a quick search and BAM here you are. Nice to see you are keeping this lovely skill alive. Cheers Rick Leave a comment on this page, or ask a question Blog categories

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